Kamis, 29 September 2016

Get ready for the last day?

There is still enough time, guys. Hurry up, and send your abstract before 23:59 PM today.
Don't be late, so that we can appreciate your great-work nicely! ^^

Best regards,

Senin, 19 September 2016

Hai hai, Mahasiswa Pejuang 'future generation'!! 👐👏

Karena telah memasuki 20 September 2016, maka Pengiriman Esai Gelombang 1 kami nyatakan DITUTUP.

But wait~


masih ada Pengiriman Esai Gelombang 2 kok!  Jadi bagi kalian yang belum sempat mendaftarkan diri, yuk segera kirimkan karya terbaik kalian ^^

Nah, bagi yang tertarik, kalian masih bisa mendownload ketentuan (panduan) dan formulir pada postingan kami sebelumnya.

Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Sebelum deadline mengejar kalian, yok kelarin mulai dari sekarang 👊

Kami tunggu karya-karya terbaik kalian di Jember, guys! ❤



Dear, 4Th PHC's participants.
Because of some consideration, we just rearrange the timeline of LKTI PHC 2016. We hope that the change did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants until the final day arrives and may provide more opportunities for students throughout Indonesia who still hope to attend our event

Thus the announcement which we can informed. Thanks guys, stay fight and be the first 10th flight to be The Winner!

Best Regards, 
